City tour of Addis Ababa

Museums , Market Palace , Churches, Art Galleries , Associations , Cooperative Works

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Addis Abeba means “New Flower” and it’s a capital and largest city of Ethiopia. It is located on a well-watered plateau surrounded by hills and mountains, in the geographic center of the country.

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Addis has seen, since its establishment in 1887 some four governmental palaces. Except for the Grand palace, which is now serving as a government office.

The rest are visited currently by tourist .the first historical palace, Menilik’s court, is located at the top of the Entoto Mountain.

Full Day (10 Review)

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Start the day looking down on Addis Ababa from Entoto Mountain, the capital of Ethiopia before Addis Ababa

Here you will have panoramic views of the city with fresh air from the eucalyptus forests. Here you will visit the Entoto Maryam church and museum.

Half Day (10 Review)

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Museum in Addis house, among other human fossils, movable artefact's, and religious and cultural items of the diverse nations and nationalities of the country.

Religious, governmental as well as private organization runs the museums.

5 Hrs (7 Review)

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Since Addis Ababa is established as Capital city of Ethiopia there are so many local and international non-governmental institutions

which works with different goals one is to reduce the poverty in the capital and in Ethiopia.

2 Hrs (3 Review)


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